What should you know about palm fronds? Follow our 101 guide below to learn more!
What Are Palm Fronds?
Essentially, palm tree leaves are known as palm fronds. The fronds will stay green all year, unlike the leaves featured on deciduous trees that routinely fall off during the fall season. Palm fronds are like deciduous trees in the fact that they also perform photosynthesis, providing the tree with the nutrients needed for survival. These fronds come in many different shapes and sizes, yet the color will remain the same. Fronds have a typical lifespan of five-plus years.
How To Care For Palm Fronds
Fronds will not require much maintenance or specialized care. Fronds age naturally, becoming brown colored over the years. The experts say you should only cut the frond if it is completely brown.
If you think your fronds are diseased, it’s always best to contact a professional tree service. Professionals will be able to properly assess when the fronds need to be removed. It’s also advised to never remove any fronds before hurricane season, as this could ultimately cause more damage due to the inclement weather conditions.
What To Do If Palm Fronds Turn Brown
Fronds become brown as they age, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Some palm tree species are classified as self-cleaning, which means they will let the fronds fall off naturally. Other species need professional care to remove dying fronds from the trees.
When attempting to cut the fronds, always use pruning spears or a sharp knife. Again, contact the professionals if you have any concerns during this task. The spring season is the best time to cut off any dead or dying fronds.
How To Dispose Of Palm Fronds
Fallen fronds can be several feet long, decomposing very slowly over time. The professionals recommend running the fallen fronds through a wood chipper before letting them decompose naturally. The process will take a decent amount of time despite the help of a wood chipper.
Tree Removal Services In Arizona
Hayward Tree is offering tree removal from above using a specialized crane. The benefit of this service is that we can remove your tree from above and avoid tearing up your yard and leaving drag marks. No broken limbs, no crushed bushes. It’s quick, efficient, and leaves your property looking clean, undisturbed, and untouched. Best of all, it’s at no additional cost to you! Contact our team today for a free estimate!