If the tree does not have any severe issues like infestation, the best time to remove it will be during the dormant season. This means between late winter and early spring. There are many factors that go into tree removal costs, so there is no cheapest time of the year to request this service. However, there are several ways you can save money on a tree removal listed below.
Is There A Cheapest Time For Tree Removal?
It’s perfectly reasonable to believe there is a cheapest time of the year for tree removal. However, the truth is there are a ton of factors that go into the total cost of removing a tree. Price ultimately depends on location, size, and the specific needs of the tree. Time of the year doesn’t always play a role in how much you will pay for professional service.
Homeowners will definitely get the most bang for their buck by hiring professionals for this task. Removing any tree is certainly not a DIY project. Tree removal can be very dangerous, so professional services are always highly recommended.
When Is The Best Time For Tree Removal?
The best time to remove a tree is whenever the tree is leaning, features roots upheaving, or poses any threat to nearby structures. If your tree(s) falls under any of those categories, it needs to be assessed by an ISA certified arborist.
You may also need to remove any diseased or infested trees from your property as soon as possible. During the dormant season, trees will be lighter and leafless, so it’s a much easier time for professionals to perform this task.
How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?
Tree removal usually costs around $150 to $2,000, with the average cost for cutting down a tree is in the $700–$750 range. Tree removal cost I subject on the size of the tree at issue, and larger trees, overall, cost more for their removal, than smaller trees.
You might find tree removal services ready to do the removal cheaply, but always be sure you are hiring a certified arborist company that is insured for tree removal. Even tree removals that seem straightforward can have unexpected complications or long-term repercussions, so do not leave the safety of your property and the condition of your landscaping at risk.
Arborists are required to renew their licenses routinely, so they receive continual training in best methods for tree removal.
Tree Removal Services In Arizona
Hayward Tree is offering tree removal from above using a specialized crane. The benefit of this service is that we can remove your tree from above and avoid tearing up your yard and leaving drag marks. No broken limbs, no crushed bushes. It’s quick, efficient, and leaves your property looking clean, undisturbed, and untouched. Best of all, it’s at no additional cost to you! Contact our team today for a free estimate!