The average cost for the removal of a pine tree in Phoenix is $850. Pine tree removal costs range from $200 to $1,500. For smaller pine trees, removal costs about $200. For giant pine trees, you can pay $1,500 dollars or more.
Because pine trees easily grow up to 60 feet and in some instances 70 feet or more, they’re among the largest and densest trees out there. Larger pines above 80-90 feet are going to cost an average of $1,500 since the possible risk of the work involved in the removal process. A lot of removals require extra labor because removing branches with cones and needles is needed. The arborists must sport a large amount of safety gear to be sure they don’t get pine needles caught in their eyes and scratches on their skin.
Extra Pine Tree Services
- The average cost of chipping is around $113 with costs ranging from $65 to $150.
- The log splitting cost (pine typically makes for good firewood) is usually an added cost and averages around $75.
- The cost of removal might add an average of $50 for transportation charges.
- The cost of removing a stump, is on average $2.50 per inch with prices ranging from $2 to $3 reach inch of diameter. Some arbor companies have a minimum charge of $100 for each stump. Others bill by the stump. For instance, $170 for the first stump and a reduced rate, maybe $775 for additional stumps.
- The cost for land clearing should you have a large area with a lot of stumps needing to be removed could be billed by the hour with an average of $150 each hour subject to the diameter of the stumps needed to be removed.
Types Of Pine Trees
A lot of pine trees are Arizona natives. Below are some that might be on your property.
Ponderosa Pine – Very favorable in the high country of northern Arizona, they are able to grow to over One hundred and twenty-five feet in height. It is best used for timber.
Colorado Pinion – Renowned for producing delectable nuts, they can be found between altitudes of four thousand to seven thousand feet. It’s nut bearing brethren, the Mexican Pinion is located at similar elevations in southern parts of Arizona.
Bristlecone Pine – The Granddaddy of them all. Astonishingly, they can live to over four thousand years old partially since they only live at elevations of nine thousand five hundred feet to twelve thousand feet.
Limber Pine – Known for its sagging limbs, they are located high in the mountains at elevations above eight thousand feet.
Southwestern White Pine – Located in southern Arizona and northern Mexico, they differentiate themselves from an absence of stomata on the back of their leaves. But you must hike to find them, as they live at altitudes of six thousand five hundred feet to ten thousand feet.
Chihuahuan Pine – Indigenous to the south of the White River and in the Santa Rita and Santa Catalina Mountains ranges these pines are located on the dry slopes between five thousand feet and seven thousand feet.
Apache Pine – Known for its extremely long needles, they look rather similar to a lot of the pines located in the southeastern U.S. Indigenous to the southern parts of Arizona at lower elevations of mountain ranges.
Issues With Some Pine Trees
Pine trees could leave the soil in an acidic state following their removal. Add lime to alter the pH levels of the soil as it settles over the remainder of the year.
Pine Tree Removal Services In Arizona
Hayward Tree is offering tree removal from above using a specialized crane. The benefit of this service is that we can remove your tree from above and avoid tearing up your yard and leaving drag marks. No broken limbs, no crushed bushes. It’s quick, efficient, and leaves your property looking clean, undisturbed, and untouched. Best of all, it’s at no additional cost to you! Contact our team today for a free estimate!