Palm Tree Stump Removal Cost

The final step of any palm tree removal is getting rid of the stump. The average palm tree stump removal will cost between $75-$425. Let’s take a look at all the factors impacting the total price of the removal. (602) 507-9494 FREE ESTIMATE How Much Does Palm Tree Stump Removal Cost? Oftentimes, palm tree stump…

Fast Growing Trees In Arizona

If you are looking for fast-growing trees that offer shade in the great state of Arizona, check out our list of trees below! (602) 507-9494 FREE ESTIMATE Arizona Ash The Arizona Ash tree will grow quickly, eventually reaching up to 30-feet tall. This is a deciduous shade tree that keeps its leaves for the majority…

How To Trim A Palm Tree Trunk

Use our DIY guide below to properly trim your palm tree trunk. (602) 507-9494 FREE ESTIMATE When Is The Best Time To Trim A Palm Tree Trunk? The experts recommend performing this task in the spring. However, there may be a few indicators that your trunk needs a trimming sooner rather than later. For example,…

Are There Palm Trees In Arizona?

Palm trees are not typically native to the state of Arizona. Only one type of palm, the California Fan Palm, actually calls the valley of the sun home. Most palm trees in the U.S, are native to tropical climates like Florida, Southern California, and South Carolina. (602) 507-9494 FREE ESTIMATE Which Palm Trees Are Native…

Types Of Palm Trees Arizona

Palm trees are not typically native to the state of Arizona. Only one type of palm, the California Fan Palm, actually calls the valley of the sun home. Most palm trees in the U.S, are native to tropical climates like Florida, Southern California, and South Carolina. (602) 507-9494 FREE ESTIMATE Which Palm Trees Are Native…

What Is A Palm Frond?

What should you know about palm fronds? Follow our 101 guide below to learn more! (602) 507-9494 FREE ESTIMATE What Are Palm Fronds? Essentially, palm tree leaves are known as palm fronds. The fronds will stay green all year, unlike the leaves featured on deciduous trees that routinely fall off during the fall season. Palm…